
Sustainology kiosk



The Swedish American Chamber of Commerce had their annual Sustainology Summit, where innovators and entrepreneurs from all over the world come to discuss and create a more sustainable future for the food industry. The organization reached out to our experts at Popshap in efforts to find an engaging format to display information about their event. The solution, easy.... 49" touch kiosk.



Enter Popshap! We provided 8 49” touch kiosks that highlighted the Citi Bank brand and message. It kept conference attendees informed at all times, in all locations. With strategically placed 49" touch kiosks, used for virtual directions, attendees could easily navigate conference rooms and had information about the summit and speakers headlining the conference. In addition, we were able to provide a check-in system so everyone was accounted for.



In the annual Sustainology Summit, we used a 49" touch kiosk with an interactive software where the attendees could learn more about the food industry. The information provided was well received by presenters and attendees alike. The event worked out beautifully and the clients were satisfied with our set ups. We thank everyone who was involved for a wonderful and successful event, and look forward to seeing everyone again in the near future.

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